Are you hoping to strengthen the connection with animals in your life in Bukit Batok SG? Animal communication can be an effective way of strengthening bonds and solving behavioral issues.
Animals communicate telepathically through images, emotions and physical sensations. Terri learns to quiet her mind and open up her heart in order to listen properly.
This course is suitable for beginners looking to enhance their relationship with their pets or the wild animals they work with. Worldwide Zoom access!
1. Online
No matter whether you are an animal lover or professional looking to communicate with animals, now there is an easy and straightforward way for you to master this incredible ability. Our online courses provide comprehensive training experiences with tutorial videos, assessment tests, study resources and tutor support – everything needed for an outstanding training experience!
This comprehensive ten module program will take you from novice animal communicator to competent practitioner with ease and fits seamlessly into any busy schedule.
Susan of Two Bear Healing Arts in Valley Cottage, NY offers exceptional animal communication classes online that are both entertaining and informative, providing tools that enable students to decode what animals are saying, feeling, or needing. These sessions are great ways for anyone who wants to develop their natural intuition to connect more closely with animals on an intimate level.
2. Classroom
Students utilizing animal telepathy in classroom settings practice receiving information in the form of images, impressions, feelings or knowings through telepathic contact; often these messages are confirmed through physical observation.
Each class is led and instructed by Terrie Matz, an experienced professional Animal Communicator. Students learn to relax their minds while receiving validation that builds their confidence. Furthermore, students practice communicating with animals that don’t belong to them (on leash or carriers) to further hone and strengthen communication skills.
Pea Horsley offers an accessible and compassionate approach to understanding, connecting with and altering our relationship with animals and nature. Her teachings reflect reverence and kindness for animals while respecting nature as much as possible.
3. Workshops
Learn to connect with animals on a deeper spiritual and energetic level and build stronger bonds between you. This workshop is ideal for animal lovers looking to communicate telepathically with their pets, shelter or rescue animals or any animals (living or deceased).
Discovering a direct method of communicating with animals will allow you to feel their senses, emotions, and thoughts in UNION with yourself – not separate from them. Furthermore, learn channeling skills so as to validate and confirm messages being delivered as intended by your animal companion.
Your goal will be to learn how to help your animal friends and companions address any difficulties that are challenging them, from behavior issues, health concerns or end-of-life decisions. Furthermore, you will discover ethical and respectful methods of helping other people’s animal companions by communicating with their spirit guides for guidance. If this workshop date doesn’t work out for you simply click here for our next one!
4. Private Classes
If you are highly sensitive, empathic and spiritual and looking to learn animal communication and/or improve the health and wellbeing of your pets this class is for you. Here you will learn the Heart Wisdom Method principles so you can connect from the heart with LOVE energy; quiet the mind so it won’t interfere, limit or block you; activate and develop ALL intuitive senses beyond 4 basic clairs (Val’s specialty); as well as healing/problem solving with pets (Val is an expert).
Learning how to communicate with animals will strengthen your relationship with your pet(s), help you better understand their needs and desires, and allow you to be there on a deeper level for them. Furthermore, this knowledge can also help heal yourself as you evolve into your best Self and reconnect with all aspects of life. Susan provides a transformational online course which walks students through her proven process for training aspiring animal communicators into professional communicators.