A More Fun Approach to Teaching


Learning can be fun, but sometimes people hate to do it, because it means boring lectures, quizzes, and taking notes. It doesn’t always have to be that way, and if you can think outside of the box, you can find some amazing ways to get people interesting in just about anything that you’re teaching. I wanted to teach my students math, but the classroom isn’t always the most fun way to do it. I came up with an idea to contact a party bus rental service for Toronto and ride around with the students teaching them the math.

When I told the students that we wouldn’t be having class in the classroom, there wasn’t much of a reaction from them. The temperature outside was nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so they really didn’t want to sit outside in the hot sun learning about math. I told them that things would be a little bit different, because we would be taking a party approach to math. This got a rise from the students, and they got out of their seats and headed for the door. We boarded the bus and went on our way.

I used the bus as a means to ask questions about calculating the distance between two points. When one of the students got a question right, I rewarded them by stopping the bus at a planned location. The first stop was a pizza parlor, where I had asked the owner to prepare enough pizza to feed 30 students. Once they were done eating the pizza, we boarded the bus again and I asked them questions. Next we stopped at an ice cream shop, where the students had a cone. We made 5 stops overall, and when we went back to the classroom, the kids were stuffed with food and knowledge.

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